BeKeto TEST STRIPS GLUCOSE AND KETONE (2 variants) - Amount: 100 pcs BeKeto™ Ketone & Glucose Test Strips

BeKeto TEST STRIPS GLUCOSE AND KETONE (2 variants) - Amount: 100 pcs BeKeto™ Ketone & Glucose Test Strips

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Manufacturer: BeKeto Product code: P00505-1 Shipping and Payment

6,90 € incl. VAT
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Manufacturer: BeKeto Product code: P00505-1 Shipping and Payment


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BeKeto TEST STRIPS GLUCOSE AND KETONE (2 variants) - Amount: 100 pcs BeKeto™ Ketone & Glucose Test Strips 100 pcs BeKeto™ Ketone & Glucose Test Strips Not available in stock
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More 6,90 €
BeKeto TEST STRIPS GLUCOSE AND KETONE (2 variants) - Amount: 100 pcs BeKeto™ Ketone & Glucose Test Strips 200 pcs BeKeto™ Ketone Test Strips Not available in stock
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More 6,90 €

BeKeto™ Ketone & Glucose Test Strips is a product intended for self-monitoring of glucose and ketone bodies presence in urine. During the keto and low-carb diet ketone production and ketone bodies’ presence in the urine is a natural phenomenon, and the regular monitoring of its concentration allows us to measure our progress. Keeping track of your body’s glucose levels is relevant as in the case of a healthy organism glucose in urine should be negative (the strip will not change color). A healthy body processes glucose and does not excrete it with urine. We recommend using it for self-monitoring of glucose levels (especially important for people struggling with or suspecting diabetes) and for checking your ketone levels while starting the ketogenic diet.

How to use it?

  • In the morning before eating and in the evening, before going to bed.
  • Perform the test by immersing the strip’s test area in fresh urine.
  • For ketone bodies - the strip will change color after 15 seconds, compare the result on the strip with the colour chart on the bottle label and read the result.
  • For glucose, the strip will change color after 30 seconds.
  • Compare with the chart on the packaging.


  • 100pcs or 200pcs

Ingredients (Ketones): 7.1% w/w Sodium Nitroprusside Ingredients (Glucose): Glucose Oxidase (Microbial, 123U); Peroxidase (Horseradish, 203U); Potassium Iodide

Benefits: • The most cost-effective self-monitoring method • High-quality product manufactured under laboratory conditions • Additional reaction field to measure glucose levels in urine. An ideal product for people having problems with diabetes