Keto Gluten Free Mini Rolls 100g EXP. 4.1.2024

Keto Gluten Free Mini Rolls 100g EXP. 4.1.2024

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✔ Gluten-free, natural and incredibly tasty

✔ Only 0.4g of carbohydrates per serving (Ultra Low-Carb)

✔ High in fat

✔ Excellent source of protein

Keto Rolls are made from almond flour, which works perfectly on a keto or low-carb diet. They are incredibly soft and fluffy. They go great with our Keto Jams and Keto Creams. Perfect for an elegant dinner or as a quick snack. Eaten in moderation, they won’t knock you out of ketosis or disrupt your low-carb lifestyle. Gluten-free Keto Rolls are packed in the latest MAP technology, so unopened packages stay fresh for a long time without any preservatives.
Shelf life: Minimum 60 days from the date of purchase, consume within 24 hours of opening.


Manufacturer: BeKeto Product code: 7779 Shipping and Payment

Product is no longer available

✔ Gluten-free, natural and incredibly tasty

✔ Only 0.4g of carbohydrates per serving (Ultra Low-Carb)

✔ High in fat

✔ Excellent source of protein

Keto Rolls are made from almond flour, which works perfectly on a keto or low-carb diet. They are incredibly soft and fluffy. They go great with our Keto Jams and Keto Creams. Perfect for an elegant dinner or as a quick snack. Eaten in moderation, they won’t knock you out of ketosis or disrupt your low-carb lifestyle. Gluten-free Keto Rolls are packed in the latest MAP technology, so unopened packages stay fresh for a long time without any preservatives.
Shelf life: Minimum 60 days from the date of purchase, consume within 24 hours of opening.


Manufacturer: BeKeto Product code: 7779 Shipping and Payment

Product is no longer available

  • Allow you to enjoy the taste of delicious bread without feeling guilty
  • Keto Gluten Free Mini Rolls from BeKeto - the lowest net carbohydrate content in the world, 0.4g per serving
  • The perfect substitute for classic buns
  • Nutritious and giving a feeling of satiety for a long time, contrary to traditional white rolls
  • Perfect for keto burgers or other keto breakfast combinations
  • Tasty, healthy, gluten-free. Rich in protein and fibre

Use as a substitute for classic rolls. They can do everything that traditional bread can do :)

In sweet, for example, with keto cream. In a dry version, it's ideal for a keto burger

Prepare delicious sandwiches in the morning. Eat them straight away or take them with you to work or school