Exchange of Bioquant for the latest model
Exchange of Bioquant for the latest model
If you own any Bioquant model, use the replacement of the old model with the latest models. Send us the old model and we will send you a brand new device immediately. More
Manufacturer: Yalong Trade Product code: vymena Shipping and Payment
405 € incl. VAT
If you own any Bioquant model, use the replacement of the old model with the latest models. Send us the old model and we will send you a brand new device immediately. More
Manufacturer: Yalong Trade Product code: vymena Shipping and Payment
1. Fill in the order.
2. Send us your old device to our address.
3. We will send you a new device.
Possible types of models to exchange:
1. Bioquant
2. Biquant N
3. Bioquant Profi